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Meet our team

We at Creaamo are multidisciplinary learning experts. We met each other through work and it is no exaggeration to say that the sparks were already flying in the first joint work projects. We found that we are united by a passion to plan learner-oriented learning without compromising on quality.

In addition to our shared mission, humor, authenticity and openness flourish in Creaamo’s work community - none of us want to work with gritted teeth.

Solja Sulkunen


Business Development, Learning Design & CX

Solja is an efficient and inspiring business development and design professional who also has a class teacher degree in her toolbox. Solja is a learning and education innovator who is interested in the ability of organizations to use learning in business development. Solja is a real learning innovator who has, among other things, brought educational hackathon events to Finland.

You didn't know this:

Solja occasionally writes songs and performs mainly for friends under the artist name Lokki (Seagull).

Kuvassa Creaamon CEO Solja Sulkunen istuu sohvalla ja hymyilee leveästi kameralle.
Kuvassa Creaamon luova pedagogi Petra Raivonen istuu korituolissa hymyillen kameralle.

You didn't know this:

Petra can write a rhyme poem for any situation.

Petra Raivonen


Pedagogical design, primary school specialist, creativity and imagination, edtech, children & young people

Petra is an educator who writes children’s books and is passionate about creative and zany ideas. In addition to the master's degree papers in education, Petra has expertise in advertising planning and marketing. Petra has worked in education and learning technology for the past few years. It is especially important for Petra to plan learning that highlights learners’ strengths.

Sarianna Kymäläinen


Visual design, service design, branding & animating

Sarianna is a designer who wants to design consistent and easy-to-understand entities. In addition to aesthetics, one of the corner stones of her work is user orientation: beautiful images do nothing if the message doesn’t get through. Sarianna has done visual design for both digital and printed products, from catalogs to large scale prints.

You didn't know this:

Prior to her office life, Sarianna worked as an equestrian show groom in Belgium and Germany, touring the highest level show jumping competitions in Europe with a professional rider.

Kuvassa Creaamon muotoilija-suunnittelija Sarianna Kymäläinen hymyilee kameralle.

Jenna Virrankari


Visual design, service design, branding
& UI/UX design

Jenna is a peace-loving designer who wants to make the world clearer and more functional one design at a time. Jenna brings customers ’stories to life with her unfailing visual eye.

You didn't know this:

Jenna has worked as a groom for dogs & cats and has managed to cut the nails of about a hundred dogs and one cat in less than four hours.

Kuvassa Creaamon muotoilija-suunnittelija Jenna Virrankari.

You didn't know this:

Virve is a skilled woodworker and a tuner of old furniture. Virve's last project is a summer room designed and built by her.

Kuvassa Creaamon co-founder ja muotoilija-suunnittelija Virve Johansson

Virve Johansson


Service design, UI / UX / CX design,
visual design & branding

Virve is an experienced design professional who has done a wide range of customer-oriented design
and service design. Virve has an unfailing visual eye that she uses to design both physical and digital products and services.

Laura Lahin


Pedagogical design, early childhood education specialist

Laura is a pedagogical multi-expert specializing in early childhood education, who also has the qualifications of an adult teacher in the back pocket. Laura is a creative storyteller who works in the city of Helsinki as a developer teacher.

You didn't know this:

Laura knows Finnish sign language and is a member of three different literary circles.

Kuvassa Creaamon pedagogi ja varhaiskasvatuksen erikoisasiantuntija Laura Lahin.

Me Creaamolla suunnittelemme oppimista tukevia tuotteita & palveluita pedagogisella ammattitaidolla sekä palvelumuotoilun ja visuaalisen suunittelun työkaluilla. Tiimistämme löytyvät osaavat pedagogit sekä visuaalisen alan ammattilaiset, muotoilijat ja graafikot. Oli kyseessä palvelu, tuote, tapahtuma tai kurssi, me varmistamme, että se saavuttaa tavoitteet ja on pedagogisesti laadukas. Meistä saat innostuneen ja kunnianhimoisen yhteistyökumppanin, jonka kanssa on mutkattoman mukavaa työskennellä. Olemme oppimis- & koulutusratkaisujen täyden palvelun suunnittelutoimisto. Autamme asiakkaitamme toteuttamaan onnistuneita henkilöstö - ja tuotekoulutuksia alustariippumattomasti. Autamme myös koulutussuunnittelussa, oppimistuotteiden muotoilussa ja kehittämisessä, oikeiden osaamisen kartuttamisen ja jakamisen menetelmien löytämisessä sekä koulutusten ja verkkokurssien auditoinnissa.

#verkkokurssit #hybridi #webinaarit #pedagoginen muotoilu #oppimismuotoilu #learningdesign #henkilöstökoulutus #koulutussuunnittelu #kurssisuunnittelu #henkilöstön kehittäminen #työyhteisön osaamisen kehittäminen #henkilöstön koulutusuunnitelma #henkilöstön osaamiskartoitus #osaamisstartegia #osaamisen hyödyntäminen #pedagoginen konsultointi #oppimismuotoilu #koulutussuunnittelu #pedagoginen konsultointi #pedagogiset ratkaisut #learningdesign#henkilöstökoulutus #strategiakoulutus #hybridi #learningdesign #verkkokurssit #tuotekoulutukset

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