We Your Full-Service Learning Partner
We'll help you tackle problems with learning. We are result-driven and easy to work with.
Learning and Innovation
Almost everything is a learning experience. Understanding what prevents and promotes learning, enables you design user-friendly services and inspiring learning journeys.
If you want to maximize your organization's learning potential, let's arrange a meeting and plan the next success story together.
EdTec Incubator Helsinki
Creaamo produces the EdTech Incubator program. Twice a year, the 20-week
program supports innovative educational teams to develop their solutions with the help of innovative learning design.
The Smart City Project
Creaamo was selected for Froum Virium's Cosy and functional urban space to Mellunkylä -program. We are to design a more comfortable urban space for children and young people. The goal is to increase children's and young people's awareness of safe places and services intended for them.
Learning Design and Trainings
We design high-quality gamified trainings, test learning products with end-users and help companies make learning their competitive advantage.
If you wish to create exciting and interesting learning opportunities for your target group, you should use playfulness. Gamification is well suited for onboarding, strategy or product training.
Case example: In cooperation with Seppo.io, we designed a strategy game for the Business and employment unit of Espoo. The unit had noticed that implementing the updated strategy in the midst of an everyday rush was difficult. The game turned out to be great fit and the employees praised the game in the feedback.
Pedagogical Evaluation of learning products
We conduct pedagogical quality assessment and certification of learning products together with Education Alliance Finland (EAF). EAF's evaluation tool has been developed in cooperation with the university of Helsinki and is based on global quality standards for learning solutions.
Do you want to know if your own learning product meets the quality requirements? Leave us a message and we will contact you as soon as possible.
Development of EdTec Products
We specialize in learning products and services targeted at young people and children. When children are your audience, you need a partner who truly understands children’s needs and opinions. Getting relevant information is crucial and it requires children’s voice to be heard.
Case Example
Typing Master wanted to test their new digital literacy materials and find out if they were suitable for preschool and elementary education. We planned and implemented tests in and collected feedback from teachers and children. We prepared a final report which included tangible examples of the testing situations and ideas for further development.Typing Master was satisfied with our collaboration and the cooperation will continue in the future.
Learning Material Design
We design stylish and pedagogically effective materials to support learning. Creaamo's graphic designer "speaks pedagogy". Whether it's a booklet, a brochure or a learning material, let us make it as good as it can be.
Me Creaamolla suunnittelemme oppimista tukevia tuotteita & palveluita pedagogisella ammattitaidolla sekä palvelumuotoilun ja visuaalisen suunittelun työkaluilla. Tiimistämme löytyvät osaavat pedagogit sekä visuaalisen alan ammattilaiset, muotoilijat ja graafikot. Oli kyseessä palvelu, tuote, tapahtuma tai kurssi, me varmistamme, että se saavuttaa tavoitteet ja on pedagogisesti laadukas. Meistä saat innostuneen ja kunnianhimoisen yhteistyökumppanin, jonka kanssa on mutkattoman mukavaa työskennellä. Olemme oppimis- & koulutusratkaisujen täyden palvelun suunnittelutoimisto. Autamme asiakkaitamme toteuttamaan onnistuneita henkilöstö - ja tuotekoulutuksia alustariippumattomasti. Autamme myös koulutussuunnittelussa, oppimistuotteiden muotoilussa ja kehittämisessä, oikeiden osaamisen kartuttamisen ja jakamisen menetelmien löytämisessä sekä koulutusten ja verkkokurssien auditoinnissa.
#verkkokurssit #hybridi #webinaarit #pedagoginen muotoilu #oppimismuotoilu #learningdesign #henkilöstökoulutus #koulutussuunnittelu #kurssisuunnittelu #henkilöstön kehittäminen #työyhteisön osaamisen kehittäminen #henkilöstön koulutusuunnitelma #henkilöstön osaamiskartoitus #osaamisstartegia #osaamisen hyödyntäminen #pedagoginen konsultointi #oppimismuotoilu #koulutussuunnittelu #pedagoginen konsultointi #pedagogiset ratkaisut #learningdesign#henkilöstökoulutus #strategiakoulutus #hybridi #learningdesign #verkkokurssit #tuotekoulutukset